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How to Boost Metabolism to lose weight?

How to Boost Metabolism to lose weight?

Boosting your metabolism has been considered a very important factor in weight loss. No wonder metabolism is such an important chemical process that turns the food you eat into fuel and powers everything you do. It is a chemical process that takes place continuously inside your body to keep you alive and your organs working properly. The energy requires by the body to perform these chemical processes called the basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your metabolism is responsible for more than just burning fat: it helps with breathing, body temperature control, blood circulation, and digestion of food, among other things. The number of calories you need to perform those functions called your resting metabolic rate (RMR). With some healthy habits, you can increase your metabolism every day. Here are some tips and tricks to increase your metabolism.

Try to eat organic

Your thyroid releases thyroid hormone, which controls some different things in your body, including how fast you burn calories and how fast your heartbeats. Having fruits, vegetables, and grains keeps your metabolism going strong because they do not expose your thyroid to toxins, Hyman says. But produce that is not organic blocks your metabolism mainly by interfering with your thyroid, which is the thermostat of your body, and determines how fast it runs.

Be active

Try to make activity part of your daily life. Walking and cycling can do the work. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Play with children and go around the street with them. Jumping rope will do the best. Did you know that you can boost your metabolism while cleaning your house? Modify your way to carry out household chores to increase your range of motion and bump up your heart rate. Depending on what you try, some home cleaning routines can be just as effective as traditional exercise. Simple home design changes can also help you reduce food intake as you create more activity in your daily life. Take extra walks up the stairs, walk around chatting on the phone or stand up while working on a laptop to avoid selling your body into old age.

Get more sleep

Research has found that sleep is essential for regulating your metabolism. A study shows that after a few days of sleep deprivation, study participants felt hungry after eating and metabolized the fat in their food differently. While it is not always easy, we recommend that you should get at least seven hours of sleep a night.

Sip green tea

Green tea has a lot of health benefits, but it also contains a plant compound called EGCG, which encourages your body to burn fat, research suggests. Taking green tea with doing three hours of moderate exercise a week reduced abdominal fat in subjects over three months. Sugar-free, brewed green tea was shown to increase calorie burn by about 100 calories per day.

Strength training

Muscle burns more calories than fat, which means you have to increase your muscle mass. It will help you lose weight. Try muscle-strengthening activities that target all major muscle groups (legs, hips, abdomen, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms) 2 or more days a week. Examples of muscle-strengthening activities include weight lifting and strenuous exercise. Heavy gardening may also do the job. When you run, swim, or bike, increase the intensity of your pace for a 30-second time frame before returning to your normal speed. It will help you take in more oxygen, your cell powerhouses, work harder to burn energy, you can exercise for less time than usual, and still see great results.

Protein intake

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, whatever you are doing. Joining the gym helps you build muscles. Research has shown that because proteins are harder for the body to break-down and digest than other nutrients, they can increase calorie intake by 5% after a meal. Try to add a little bit protein in every meal.

Metabolism-boosting foods high in protein include:

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Chicken breast
  • Ground turkey
  • Beans
  • Fish
  • Flank, hanger, or skirt steak

Protein requirements vary from person to person, but generally, 0.8-1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day should be sufficient to promote weight loss. For 130 pounds (59 kg) person, this would be equal to 46 and 58 grams of protein.

Eat smaller meals throughout the day

Having more, smaller meals during the day can help you feel full, but it might help keep your metabolism boosted. The benefit of having smaller meals throughout the day can help keep your blood sugar levels in a good range and prevent insulin spikes that can cause weight gain.

Lower your trans-fat intake

Trans fats are not just bad for your heart they also slow down your body’s ability to burn fat. Eating trans-fat can cause insulin resistance when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver do not respond well to insulin and can not easily take up glucose from your blood, inflammation, and both of those can mess with your metabolism.

Start Early

Start your day with a sunrise by getting a good night’s sleep the night before. A night of good sleep will ensure that you have plenty of energy for your busy schedule. To take care of your health and fitness, greet the day with a morning stretch before breakfast.

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