This package includes customized diet plan for 1 month & guidelines on homebased workouts. There will be 24/7 access to Dietician throughout the month to answer your queries and to motivate you to start your fitness journey.
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This package includes diet plans for 2 months & guidelines on homebased workouts to achieve your long term fitness goals with 24/7 access to your Dietician throughout your subscription period.
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This includes 3 months diet plans & guidelines on homebased workouts with 24/7 access to your Dietician throughout your subscription period.
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We are you, Your contributions are hope for someone.
Thousands of individuals worked with me and I offer the opportunity to connect with me online.
With decades of experience, our professional staff have broad knowledge of community issues and needs.
Fad diets may sound like the quick ticket to weight gain or loss, but they rarely work for very long. An RDN can suggest calorie sources for healthy weight gain. Or, design a personalized weight loss plan, including diet changes and physical activity — while still eating all your favorite foods.
Dietitians provide food and nutrition information, and support people to improve their health.
Working closely with you and your doctor, a registered dietitian nutritionist helps fine-tune your diet.
Need help sorting through the facts and fiction of nutrition headlines? Learn how to read labels at the supermarket, discover how healthy cooking can be inexpensive, learn how to dine out without ruining your eating plan and how to resist workplace temptations
Dr. Amina Hassan
Dr. Amina Hassan
Dr. Amina Hassan